ERB Euro-Mediterranean Network of Experimental and Representative Basins

ERB Euro-Mediterranean Network of Experimental and Representative Basins


ERB Objectives and Member States


The Euromediterranean Network of Experimental and Representative Basins (ERB) is an open association of 22 European countries operating and managing well instrumented experimental and representative basins for hydrological and environmental research on a long term basis. The ERB network promotes the exchange of basin information and the cooperation in international programs as FRIEND, HELP and PUB.

The main objectives are :

  • To increase relationships between members, research teams, universities and basin managers, through exchanges of hydrological information, data, research methods, models and to organise visits and biennial conferences;
  • To enable joint studies of common interest 
  • To make available and exchange data between research groups.
  • To harmonize methods of data collection and processing.

Scientific topics and conferences:

Despite the large diversity of hydrological problems in our countries there appears always a convergence of hydrological topics of common interest in small basin research to formulate themes of our conferences to which scientists of all member countries can contribute. Examples are: hydrological monitoring, runoff generation, hydrological and environmental modelling, biogeochemical processes, extremes, uncertainties in data and model concepts, effects of natural and man-made changes, erosion, sedimentation, hillslope processes, etc. The organizing country may also select topics of more national or regional interest.

The biennial conferences are very important occasions to present and discuss research and to exchange experiences. Especially young scientists can benefit from these meetings by presenting their (PhD) research, discussing their ideas and exchange data to test their hypotheses and model concepts. Since 1986 scientific topics of common interest were discussed during ERB conferences.

National Representatives

Each ERB member country is represented by a national correspondent NC, who informs the national hydrological community about the activities of ERB. Usually the NC is nomited by the national UNESCO-IHP committee. The NC meet regularly in steering committee meetings SCM where joint activities like conferences and workshops are defined. The SCM is represented by the ERB International Coordinator, who serves as a spokesman of ERB for a period of four years.

Actual National Correspondents 

  1. Hubert Holzmann, Austria 
  2. Niko Verhoest, Belgium
  3. Miroslav Tesar, Czech Republic
  4. Daniel Viville, France
  5. Britta Schmalz, Germany
  6. Péter Kalicz, Hungary
  7. Daniele Penna, Italy (ERB International Coordinator)

  8. Edvinas Stonevičius, Lithuania
  9. Christophe Hissler, Luxemburg
  10. Piet Warmerdam, The Netherlands
  11. Johannes Deelstra, Norway
  12. Janusz Siwek, Poland
  13. João de Lima, Portugal 
  14. Gianina Neculau, Romania
  15. Sergey Zhuravin, Russia
  16. Ladislav Holko, Slovakia
  17. Mitja Brilly, Slovenia
  18. Jérôme Latron, Spain
  19. Ilja van Meerveld, Switzerland
  20. Liudmyla Gorbachova, Ukraine
  21. Finnland
  22. Great Britain
  23. Bulgaria

The ERB network is in close contact with other European countries to exchange basin information and cooperate in international programs such as FRIEND, namely Northern European FRIEND Project 5 „Catchment hydrological and biogeochemical processes in changing environment“. Both the ERB and NE FRIEND Project 5 groups recognise the benefits of close co-operation. Therefore, joint meetings and information exchange are organized.

The conditions to become a member country are :

  • a new member country should have the capacity to operate and manage ERB. studies and should be represented by an organization rather than by an individual.
  • an university trained group should back each ERB 
  • an ERB should be operated on a long term basis. 
  • high quality data are desired and the water balance is regarded as the minimum to be available. 
  • research in an ERB. should be active and ongoing. 
  • new member countries are welcome under the condition of providing input and of nominating 1 or 2 correspondents to the Steering Committee. 
  • new member countries should share the responsability, contribute to and distribute the Newsletters to scientists involved in ERB research. 
  • the correspondents should be nominated through the National Committees for the International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO (IHP). 
  • all member countries are expected to up to date the ERB
  • inventory regularly (at least once per year) with recent information on their national ERBs.

Former coordinators:

1986-1990    Pierre Dubreuille, France

1991-1993    Hans Keller, Switzerland

1993             Herbert Lang, Switzerland

1994             Manfred Spreafico, Switzerland

1994-1998    Andreas Herrmann, Germany

1998-2002    Vaclav Elias, Czech Republic

2002-2008    Piet Warmerdam, Netherlands

2008-2012    Ladislav Holko, Slovakia

2012-2016    Hubert Holzmann, Austria

2016-2022    João de Lima, Portugal

2022-            Daniele Penna, Italy


For further details contact the ERB International Co-ordinator:


Prof. Daniele PENNA

University of Florence
e-mail [email protected]